Saturday, December 15, 2012

Always Winter, Never Christmas

Always winter, never Christmas.
This was part of the curse that was upon the land of Narnia in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
As a kid, reading this book, the only thing that crossed my mind was, “Oh, how sad, there's no presents,” and that was the end of my thinking.
The symbolism of it never really struck me until recently when I was thinking about the winter solstice.
Because what is Christmas, really?
December 25 is the day that has been celebrated for centuries as the return of the sun. It's when people first started noticing the days getting longer again. It marks the end of the darkness and all the fearful wondering, “Will we have enough to eat? Will my family be safe? Will we survive this? Will the light ever come back? Is everything going to be okay?"
Christmas means that all your waiting has paid off and the seasons are finally changing. Christmas means hope.
The Christians adopted this winter holiday, the celebration of the sun's birthday, to celebrate something even greater – the birthday of the son of God.
The Christ, the promised savior, who people had been waiting for for thousands of years. When he arrived, the whole world changed.
In The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, the arrival of Father Christmas meant that the White Witch's power was weakening and that Great Lion Aslan had returned to Narnia.
The waiting is over.
The King has come to set things right.

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